// Do Not Edit Here
short a = 1000;
int b = 10000;
long double c = 5.560000505012;
// Change ??? To Something Else To Get The Output
cout << ??? - ??? << "\n"; // 12
cout << ??? + ??? << "\n"; // 20
cout << ??? * ??? << "\n"; // 32
cout << ??? * ??? << "\n"; // 5000
cout << char(??? * ???) << "\n"; // P
وهذا هو حلي
#include <iostream>
#include <limits.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Do Not Edit Here
short a = 1000;
int b = 10000;
long double c = 5.560000505012;
// Change ??? To Something Else To Get The Output
cout << sizeof(c) - sizeof(b) << "\n"; // 12
cout << sizeof(c) + sizeof(b) << "\n"; // 20
cout << sizeof(a) * sizeof(c) << "\n"; // 32
cout << a * int(c) << "\n"; // 5000
cout << char((sizeof(c) + sizeof(b)) * sizeof(b)) << "\n"; // P
ارجو تقيم الحل وهل هناك حل أفضل أم لا