# اختصرنا دول فى
#like =input("add the first color you like:\n")
#color.append (like)
color.append (input("add the first color you like:\n"))
onemore =input ("Do you need add more color? Yes,or No\n").lower()
if onemore=="yes":
color.append (input("add more color to the list:\n"))
print ("ok")
elif onemore =="no":
print ("ok")
else :
print ("sorry I can't understand you 😭")
print (f"your favorite colors is:\n{color}")
# مشروع تانى
class_a = ["tom","jack","sarah","ben"]
class_b = ["fred","tina","micheal"]
class_c = class_a+class_b
print (class_c)
إعجابَين (2)
جميل اخى ،
إعجاب واحد (1)