print ("Welcome to Rock, Paper, Scissors game :")
ans= input ("Press Entre to continue or type (help) for the rules help:\n")
if ans == "":
print ("")
elif ans.lower() == "help":
print (""" ********** RULES **********
1) you choose and the computer chooses
2) Rock smashes Scissors -> Rock wins
3) Scissors cut Paper -> Scissors win
4) Paper covers Rock -> Paper wins""")
print ("Sorry, I can't understand you 😭")
answer = input ("Enter your choice (rock, paper, scissors):").lower ()
import random
ran= random.choice (["rock", "paper", "scissors" ])
if answer == "paper":
print ("you choose :")
print ("""
---' ____)____
elif answer == "rock":
print ("you choose :")
print ("""
---' ____)
elif answer == "scissors":
print ("""
---' ____)____
else :
print("sorry, your choice")
if ran == "paper":
print ("computer choose :")
print ("""
---' ____)____
elif ran == "rock":
print ("computer choose :")
print ("""
---' ____)
elif ran == "scissors":
print ("computer choose :")
print ("""
---' ____)____
print (" ")
if ran == answer :
print ("It is draw .\nGood luck next time.")
elif ran == "paper" and answer == "rock" :
print ("You lose ! \nPaper covers Rock")
elif ran == "paper" and answer == "scissors":
print ("You win . 🎉 \nScissors cut Paper")
elif ran == "rock" and answer == "paper" :
print ("You win . 🎉 \nPaper covers Rock .")
elif ran == "rock" and answer == "scissors":
print ("You lose !\nRock smashes Scissors")
elif ran == "scissors" and answer == "paper" :
print ("You lose ! \nScissors cut Paper")
elif ran == "scissors" and answer == "rock":
print ("You win . 🎉 \nRock smashes Scissors")
else :
print (" ")
ده حلى من غير ما اشوف حل الاستاذ
فى ١٠٠ سطر بس