مشروع لعبة جزيرة الكنز

print (“welcome to my island”)
print(“try to find my treatsure”),print (“:skull_and_crossbones:”)
print (“There are two doors in front of you.:door: a red door and \n​:door: a blue door”)
chos = input (“which door you want to open?\n”).lower ()
if chos == ‘red’:
print (“Great!\nnow you entered a room.”)
print (“you find three boxes:\n :gift: white ,:gift: black ,:gift: green”)
box = input (“which box will you open ?\n”).lower()
if box == ‘white’ :
print (“oops! you found snakes :snake::snake::snake:\nGame over”)
elif box == ‘black’:
print (“oops! you found spiders :spider::spider::spider:\nGame over”)
elif box == ‘green’:
print (‘congratulations,you found the treasure.:gift::tada::moneybag:’)
else :
print (“sorry l can’t understand you.”)
elif chos == ‘blue’:
print (“oops!\nnow entered a room inside it a lot of :crocodile: :crocodile: :crocodile: crocodiles”)
print (“game over”)
print (“sorry I can’t understand you.”)
print (“Invalid choice :sob:”)

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