لعبه (البينج بونج) للأغنياء الي معاهم هواتف محموله (ههه)

إليكم كود لعبه البينج بونج للهواتف المحموله:

الكود الرئيسي:

from turtle import Turtle , Screen
from paddle import Paddle 
from ball import Ball 
from luxuries import Luxuries 
from time import sleep 

window=Screen ()
window.setup (550,550)
window.tracer (0)
window.bgcolor ('light gray')

r_paddle = Paddle ((280,0))
l_paddle = Paddle ((-280,0))

ball = Ball ()

luxuries = Luxuries ()

def choice ( x, y):
  if x>0 and y>0:
    r_paddle.up ()

  elif x>0 and y<0:
    r_paddle.dawn ()

  elif x<0 and y>0:
    l_paddle.up ()

  elif x<0 and y<0:
    l_paddle.dawn ()
window.onscreenclick (choice)

time_sleep = 0.1

while True:

  ball.move ()
  if ( ball.xcor() >= 260 and ball.distance (r_paddle) <= 50 ):
    ball.goto (ball.xcor()-5,ball.ycor())
    ball.x_pos *= -1
     time_sleep *= 0.9

  if ( ball.xcor() <= -260 and ball.distance (l_paddle) <= 50 ):
    ball.goto (ball.xcor()+5,ball.ycor())
    ball.x_pos *= -1
    time_sleep *= 0.9
  if (ball.ycor() >= 300) or (ball.ycor() <= -300):
    ball.y_pos *= -1
  if ( ball.xcor() >= 300 ) :
    luxuries.player2 += 1
    ball.goto (0,0)
    ball.x_pos *= -1
    time_sleep = 0.1

  if ( ball.xcor() <= -300 ):
    luxuries.player1 += 1
    ball.goto (0,0)
    ball.x_pos *= -1
    time_sleep = 0.1

  sleep (time_sleep)

  window.update ()

window.exitonclick ()

كود المضارب:

from turtle import Turtle

class Paddle (Turtle):

  def __init__(self,position):
    self.shape ('square')
    self.penup ()
    self.shapesize (5,1)
    self.goto (position)
    self.color ('blue')

  def up (self):
    if not self.ycor () >= 260:
      self.goto (self.xcor(),self.ycor () + 20)

  def dawn (self):
    if not self.ycor () <= -260:
      self.goto (self.xcor(),self.ycor () - 20)

كود الكره:

from turtle import Turtle
from time import sleep 

class Ball (Turtle):
  def __init__(self):
    super ().__init__()
    self.shape ('circle')
    self.color ('red')
    self.penup ()
    self.x_pos = 10
    self.y_pos = 10

  def move (self):
    self.goto (self.xcor () + self.x_pos , self.ycor () + self.y_pos)

كود لبعض الإضافات:

from turtle import Turtle

class Luxuries  ():
  def __init__(self):
    self.heading = (90,270,0,180)
    self.create_border ()
    self.lists = [
    self.create_arrow ()
    self.player1 = 0
    self.player2 = 0
    write = Turtle ()
    self.write = write 
    self.print_score (self.write)
  def create_border (self):
    for x in range (4):
      border = Turtle ('square')
      border.penup ()
      border.shapesize (33,1)
      border.setheading (self.heading[x])
      border.forward (320)

  def create_arrow (self):
    for x in range (4):
      arrow = Turtle ('triangle')
      arrow.penup ()
      arrow.shapesize (7,5,7)
      arrow.goto (self.lists [x][0],self.lists [x][1])
      arrow.setheading (self.lists [x][2])

  def print_score (self,write):
    write.clear ()
    write.clear ()
    write.hideturtle ()
    write.penup ()
      write.write (f'{self.player2}          {self.player1}',align = 'center', font = ('Arial' , 10, 'normal'))

ملاحظه : لازم يكون التليفون مقلوب بالجنب (وضع الدوران التلقائي) علشان تشوف الاسهم

7 إعجابات

جميل انك سويت اللعبة على الهاتف باذن اجربها بس لو ترسل اللعبة كملف واحد يعني كبرنامج تنفيذي يكون افضل

5 إعجابات

ملف apk ياريت
شحاد ويشارط :joy:

4 إعجابات