print (“Hello in my island.”)
print (“”" Island “”")
how=input(“How will you go to my island?\nby:\ntrain ,ship
if how == “train” :
print (“ok”)
tra =input(“there are 3 trains choice 1:\ngreen , blue
, white
\n”).lower ()
if tra == “green”:
print ("oops, you take a train which go to the Amazon rainforest.\nGame over ")
elif tra ==“blue”:
print (“Hello in my island \nyou are lucky person ”)
elif tra == “white”:
print ("oops, you take a train which go to the Antarctica.\nSending my regards to the penguins
.\nGame over ")
else :
print (“sorry, I cannot understand you ”)
elif how ==“ship”:
print (“ok”)
sh=input (“there are 3 ships choice 1:\ngray ,white
if sh==“gray”:
print (“oops, you take ship which go to spider’s island \nGame over”)
elif sh == ‘white’:
print (“oops, you take ship which go to atlanta.\nGood bye\nGame over”)
elif sh ==“orange”:
print(“You are lucky.\nyou take ship which go to Maldive
\nbut I am very sad\nyou don’t need to visit me\nGame over”)
else :
print (“sorry,I cannot understand you ”)
elif how ==“airplane”:
print (“ok”)
air=input(“there are 3 airplanes choice 1:\ngreen ,blue
\n”). lower ()
if air== “green”:
print ("oops,you take airplane which will be destroyed \nGood trip
\nGame over ")
elif air == “blue”:
print (“oops,you take airplane
which go to volcano that will explode
\nVolcano eruption
that a beautiful sight\nGood trip
\nGame over”)
elif air == “white”:
print("Hello in my island\nyour are a lucky person ")
else :
print (“sorry,I cannot understand you ”)
else :
print (“sorry,I cannot understand you ”)
5 إعجابات
حلو دائما ورجينا المشاريع الجديدة موفق
3 إعجابات
إن شاء الله انزل كل جديد
3 إعجابات
جميل جداً اخى بارك الله فيك
إعجابَين (2)